Tools I Currently Use

2 min read

Tools I Currently Use

These are my tools I have in daily (academic) usage. I mostly try to use native applications because of their nice synchronziation across all other devices.

Note Taking

  • Apple Notes for all quick notes
  • GoodNotes: For more complex projects.
  • Obsidian has the markdown, latex and code highlighting features I am missing in Apple Notes.

News and Literture Research

  • Zotero incl. WebDAV file synch to private Nextcloud and Zotero Cloud and Chrome Connector. Also very nice for reading papers.
  • Google Scholar Plugin for Chrome because of nice reference previews.
  • NetNewsWire: Nice RSS Feed Reader with iCloud synch. Really helps to stay up-to-date in all different areas of interest. RSS feeds even exist for daily arxive submissions in chosen areas.


  • Apple Keynote (because of native Latex support) for presentations and posters.
  • Inkscape for vector graphic modificiations.
  • Excalidraw (math preview) for technical sketches preferred over tikz.
  • Occasionally TikZ
  • python + matplotlib / seaborn
  • Furthermore: Geogebra for graphs, mathcha for even more math.

Software Development

  • Enjoying the full JetBrain Suite (IntelliJ (Java), clion (C++), … ).
  • Code Editing via VS Code / vim bindings / Plugins for whatever is currently needed.
  • Proxyman and Postman.


  • Task Management & Canban Board: Apple Reminders
  • Mail + Calendar: Outlook
  • websites: Mostly using Hugo and hosted with Netlify + custom Github commit triggers.
  • Password Management: KeePassX, but being slowly replaced by Apple Passwords
  • Grammarly for spell-and grammarchecking.
  • iTerm + zsh as default terminal.
  • Raycast as a replacement of the default Spotlight Search.
  • PDFSam for PDF operations.
  • brew for MacOS package management.
  • DocuSeal for using digital signatures on docuemnts

Lukas Retschmeier

PhD Student in Privacy